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(1 edit)

Can you plz add more maps and can you try and fix the ai because sometimes they walk back and forth


Yep, more maps/eras/weapons are coming once I iron out some of the glitches. Bot pathfinding will be improved as well in future updates. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Also how do i get the train to start because in the short clip the train is moving


I believe dynamite has a bug, because when we're squatting, it always falls close to the character, so it happens when we're on the roofs of buildings.

Another possible bug is the collision area of the blast, sometimes even standing behind 2 walls, I die instantly, maybe the damage would be better if it was based on approaching the explosion, not just an instant kill even being far away.

The game is great, I played with my son and friends, it's excellent.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks! Yes, dynamite is bugged. What's actually happening is it is colliding with the player's third person head model, so it bounces off your own head while throwing. I had mostly fixed this in a version I uploaded yesterday (it still can happen while sprinting forward) but then yesterday's version caused major connectivity issues and I had to take it down.

I will be fixing this and other bugs soon in addition to adding more content.

Also, great idea for damage fall-off on the dynamite.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm a gaming developer and I use Unity as well. To solve this problem, you can for example instantiate the dynamite with box collider disabled, however activate it only after 0.1f or 0.2f, I believe it should eliminate many problems.

An interesting way to solve this would be to create a layer for the player and another layer for other players, a third layer for the dynamite, then you go in the collision matrix deactivates the collisions of the dynamite with the player itself, leaving the other collisions active. Problem solved.

A hug and I'm looking forward to the new updates. Do you want to launch the game on Steam?


No plans for Steam at the moment, it's just a fun hobby project for the time being. If it gets more serious maybe I'd consider it. I think disabling the collider entirely would be problematic because it would allow for the occasional headshot to not register due to collision being disabled. The collider would need to be disabled long enough for the dynamite to pass through, so it couldn't just be 0.00001f to make the odds of that bug extremely unlikely.

There probably is a solution that could be found with layering but the easiest method might just be to instantiate the dynamite slightly further in front of the player. Of course, there are already quite a few layers, etc. setup that ignore raycasts, etc.


When I mentioned turning off the colliders, it's just dynamite, not the player, which is a simpler solution than working with the separate layers.

The time of the box collider of the dynamite off, is only to avoid that it collides with the player in the launch.
Player colliders remain normal. But that could cause the dynamites to grab the walls. So it's a temporary solution.

On the dynamites, I believe that only 1 in the match, is enough, COD MW1 only uses 1 also, depending on the amount of players in the match, each 1 with 3 dynamites, the game gets many explosions, which disrupts a little "pollution sound ".

How many people are creating the game?
What solution are you using for online, is Photon?

I intend to study more multiplayer in the future and I really enjoyed the performance in your game.


it doesn't let me create a server unless it is an offline server.


I uploaded a new version yesterday that broke some things,  I removed it but looks like there are some new issues I still need to figure out. I'll fix it soon.


please add key bindings


Key re-binding is on the long to-do list.




Will you later create your own  models also great game and you should reach out to some creators on youtube to promote. Good job Plz create more


For the models - unlikely as I'm just doing this as a hobby/have a full-time job and using assets actually lets me put content together. I'm trying to improve it and add more content before any promotion efforts.


ok understood


es muy chulo pero no juega nadie

(2 edits) (+1)

Hay gente, pero acabó de ponerlo aquí, así que intentaré subir los numeros sobre tiempo con el desarrollo. Prueba otras regiones si no hay nadie, los de EEUU y Europa son los más populares (hay como 30+ personas en linea ahora sobre todas las regiones). Español no es mi primer idioma así que perdona mis errores de gramática.

(1 edit) (+1)

i made a short montage: (1:30)

lol it was fun

Nice vid, killing em with that OP bow I see.

BUG Report

The bullet stay on screen. İt can't go away from screen.

(1 edit)

Thanks, did that only happen once? I haven't seen that one before. 

Yes, Only Once

A crappy bit of gameplay from me on the last version! Can't wait for more!

i realy like this game and i like the style of the characters, great game over all.

keep going.

great game love the polygonal style. i always lowed the way this type of game looks

Thanks! I can't take credit for the graphical style though. It's a pack from Synty Studios, a talented producer of model packs.

well still its a great game!

Gotta say, this game is amazingly fun! Though, the bots are a bit stupid, running towards the edges of the map and going dormant. Aside from that, it's really well made! I can't wait to see more of this!

Thanks! And yep, I actually have mostly fixed the bot pathing that was causing the to run out to the edges of the map and will include the fix in the next version I release this week.

Awesome! Can't wait to see it! And congratulations, you're literally the first game on here that I've actually rated! Here's to more awesome stuff!

Also, I'd recommend a version for windows 32 bit. Just a suggestion!

Yep, someone else actually just requested the same. I'll include in the next circulation, but make no promises about how well it will run on PC's that are still running 32 bit OS's haha.

(1 edit)

I found this game to be fun. Can't wait until more real people start playing.

P.S. The bows seem a bit OP

(2 edits)

Thanks, the discord is a good place to find a few players, over time maybe the player base will slowly grow. The most active server is US East if you live reasonably close to that one, but US West and Europe seem to get some small games in peak hours too.

Coolio. Thanks for the reply. Definitely gonna come back to this one.

(1 edit) (-2)

haha i remember this game a while ago. its was posted by someone else as a 10 player battle royale and was called something like wild west. lol now you stol it and republished as another person. classic. but i will say your version is better. even the built in switch perspective button from the previous version is still in the game lol.

(3 edits) (+1)

I didn't steal anything and I'm not aware of the game you're speaking of, but feel free to shoot me a link to it. My guess is someone just used the same asset packs. 

The Synty packs in particular are very popular among these goofy hobby projects. I'm just having a bit of fun, this isn't meant to be taken too seriously.

there are two game just like this:


While this developer bought the same asset pack as both of those, they aren't "stealing" anything.

this game is  really cool but i cant seem to find my friends game he hosts

Hey - two possible fixes. 1. Make sure you both have downloaded the latest version. 2 (most likely) - go to select region and pick the same region at the menu screen.

hey thanks for the reply we had just downloaded the game and both were on us east and the game he hosted didnt apear

in hindsight shouldve said that in the initial comment 

Hmm. Were you both able to see any other games? I wonder if it could be a firewall issue. Also, I'm assuming his game was set to online when hosting?

It's obviously not finished, but the potential is enormous


Thanks! And yep, it is very rough around the edges right now, I'm just trying to get some feedback for now.

that's a qalitie game right there


Very nice game!




Best game of 2019.


Glad you liked it!

Best game ever.

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